
Sunny Sunny Spain is a network of hundreds of locally - run websites, each dedicated to helping visitors and expats to get the most from their time in Spain.

There are vacancies for agents to opérate our websites in many towns, cities and resorts in Spain and the Islands.

If you live in Spain and::
Are computer literate (but no Bill Gates)
Have a flair for design (but no Rembrandt)
Have a mobile, a home internet connection and a laptop
Enjoy meeting people and are able to talk business
You are Self-Motivated, Honest and Organised

Then you could be one of the people we´re looking for.

Our agents will be responsible for producing informative and helpful guides to their area, designing advertisements for their clients, maintaining an events calendar - a what´s on guide for their town, the production of a monthly newsletter, operating a Facebook page and twitter account, producing a business directory, and the creation of a bar and restaurant guide.

The agent will enjoy a position with a great deal of variety, working hours to suit their lifestyle and family commitments. It is possible for the agency to be run by two people, each working part-time.

The rewards for operating a successful website will match the effort put in, with earnings expected to be in the región of €30,000 per year.

Send an e-mail with CV to [email protected].

There is only one position available within each town, city or resort, and interest has been high in other áreas.

Don´t delay!


Amazon to Open in Spain – Big Changes Ahead?

According to the press, Amazon is due to open in Spain on Sept. 15th. This is hardly surprising – all over Madrid you see MRW vans delivering Amazon packages every day, and it isn’t just expats like me buying English books. Many Spanish people have been turning to Amazon for some time to ship better priced electronics to Spain with the minimum of fuss and good guarantees: cameras etc are generally cheaper on Amazon than from major retailers here. Apparently one million Spaniards already visit Amazon websites every month.

Importantly, Amazon opening in Spain could have huge implications for the Spanish on- and off-line market.

First of all e-commerce is way behind in Spain, and one of the reasons I’ve always posited for this is that Spain never had Amazon. I believe that Amazon.co.uk/.com/.fr/.de has had a huge role in fostering trust in ecommerce in those countries. Buying on-line in the US or the UK is largely considered normal, safe, and reliable thanks to Amazon, whereas here in Spain it is still not considered a normal way to shop amongst large sectors of the population.

Spain sits about 3 times behind the UK in terms of ecommerce. Online sales accounted for only 3% of all retail sales in Spain in 2010, whereas in the UK online sales accounted for 10% of all sales in the same year.

First quarter online retail sales in Spain were up 23.1% this year with respect to 2010 first quarter sales, but Spain still lags a long way behind. Amazon opening in Spain could change that in the same way it helped develop ecommerce in countries like the UK – by doing things well, efficiently, and offering generally great customer service.

The question is, if Amazon Spain brings these same important retail values to Spain (good customer service, efficient product delivery etc), could it have a knock on effect for off-line retailers as well, as Amazon sets new higher standards (e.g. in returns policies and customer service) not always seen here before?

Who knows, but one thing is for sure, I would be worried if I ran any kind of books/electronics/household goods ecommerce site in Spain right now – the bar is about to be lifted significantly, and Amazon is going to make other online operators who aren’t providing an immaculate service already, look pretty bad, very quickly.

Personally I think this is great news, I hope Amazon does in Spain everything it’s been able to do elsewhere – offering the same range of products, good customer service, and guarantees. We’ll find out what they have in store for us on September 15th.



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our units are made by Audary New Energy which has been exporting quality products all over the world for more than 10 years

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Are you looking to sell your property and finding it hard and that you keep getting offers you cannot afford to accept? Or worse still know one is really showing an interest? But you are still having to pay the bills including the mortgage?

Well the truth is prices will not rise for at least a couple of years. So why not do the sensible and prudent thing? Keep it, but gain an income to pay the Bills by taking on a Long term let.

If interested please e-mail: [email protected] with basic details of your property plus a contact telephone number.
We do have a list of clients that could be interested.

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