Broadband When On Holiday

Can anyone tell me how/where I can go to receive Broadband
on a week or 2 week basis which you can IE Pay to view.

I don't know if the company on the Satellite round about does it.


Telecable on the sat roundabout ,as you say do this. You have to pay for installation which i believe is €59 then you pay monthly €20 per month. You email or call them to let them know when you want it on or off and when its off they charge €7 per month. As far as I know you can only do it month by month, not on a weekly basis. Depending on where you are living I believe the Computer Shop near the corner shop will allow you to connect to their internet for a monthly fee ( they just give you the pass word for it) and as far as i know you could just pay for this when you are here.

Commented Nikki in La Marina 2013-04-28 21:32:08 UTC

Hi Nikki

Thank you very much for the info
Much appreciated

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2013-04-29 04:22:36 UTC